

The design of these equipment requires safety requirements. All models have encryption protocols that protect users' information even outside the physical environment of the organization.

Quantum Scalar Products are able to organize NAS data tapes. They also make it possible to manage and access data archives in a variety of modern ways. Using Scalar devices, you get the highest level of security certified by government agencies with the strongest AES 256-bit encryption standard.
Quantum is one of the most prestigious companies in the field of data storage management, having been consistently the top provider of Backup and و Archive products since year 2010. The company, which has been providing Backup and Archive equipment for the year 2004, has defined the products in two layers disk-based and Tape-based .

Quantum products

The quality of Quantum Tape-based products has been established in many data centers so that it has consistently been awarded over the past few years. Tape-based equipment due to its high reliability, very little downtime, its high speed at the time of data transfer and its competitive price is one of the most notable.
This series of products, known as the Scalar Series, is marketed with F.C port connectivity as well as the ability to extend a multitude of drives. All products in this category have been designed and marketed with a view to expanding as well as speeding up based on customer needs. It should be noted that the use of any product is based on user needs and many parameters should be considered in this regard.

Quantum was founded in 1980 and started operating on magnetic tape storage equipment from year 1994 on disk-based backup. The company is one of the pioneers of high-speed, high-efficiency electronic archiving technology.
Quantum is one of the leading companies in the production of data storage equipment and systems that produces tape and disk drives. The company has outsourced production of storage disks to other companies and is now focused on manufacturing integrated storage.
Quantum Magnetic Tape Backup has offered Scalar i3 / i6 products for small and medium sized companies and Scalar i6000 product for large organizations. These devices are easy to install and configure and are easily managed with increased capacity.


Sorena Secure Processing Company has a team of highly qualified experts who can supply, install and sell
Quantum storage products.

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